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Gifting a Photo Book: The Ultimate Christmas Present

Gifting a Photo Book: The Ultimate Christmas Present

By Zoltán G.Zoltán G. Verified by Sander D.Sander D. Last updated: July 14, 2024 (0)

Finding the ideal gift for your loved ones is always a hard task; and around the Christmas rush, where everything goes crazier than usual, that task can easily turn into a mission impossible. A neat and comfortable way of getting a unique gift is by building a photo book from the most cherished memories. It’s the type of present just about everyone appreciates, while you won’t have to break the bank for it. What they’ll appreciate even more is that you’ve put in love and effort into making it, even though you don’t need to spend more than an hour on it.

As a Christmas photo book (or any photo book as a holiday gift for that matter) requires special attention, let us provide you some tips on how to make gifting such a present a huge success.

Option 1: creating the book

Before you get to work, you should have an idea of how the book should look. Even though certain photo book editors allow users to invite others to collaborate in the creation of the future book (like Mixbook and MILK Books), the majority of photo book services only allows sharing the finished result or using a common online storage for photos. Thus, it is best to ask family members, friends and acquaintances what kind of book would be ideal for the recipient, and then jump into the creative process following those suggestions.

As for the size, the cover, the paper types, and the number and arrangement of pages: anything goes, provided you follow the general rules. Photo book editors always have Christmas-themed covers or simply holiday styled gift wrapping options, but you can also go with a blank book and fill it up with warm colors and Christmas-themed stickers, layers, frames and layouts. However, an even better solution is to create a photo book that reflects the personality of the recipient, thus giving your present a very personal touch.

Once you’ve built your photo book, you can share it with others to get their approval on your creation. When all lights are as green as mistletoe, you can have the book shipped either to your house or directly to the lucky recipient if you won’t have the chance to give it personally.

Option 2: a gift voucher

Even though you and your cooperators have noble intentions when you create a photo book for others, the final product will never be 100% perfect for the receiver. A gift voucher is the best way to gift the lucky receiver the perfect photo book, and to avoid having your photo book arrive late for the Christmas party.

Basically you are giving a blank check where you determine the monetary value of the voucher and the recipient can buy anything for the amount he/she received. This way you are hitting two birds with one stone: you gift them a photo book and the joy of going through photo memories while building their album.

Let me present your present

The gifting process is a completely different deal, especially around Christmas. If you prefer the aforementioned gift voucher, it is best to order it in a printed form. It is more elegant than an electronic gift card, because it arrives printed on a stylized paper with a ribbon and other nice packaging. Plus you can do a little trick as well: order the gift card to your address, get it out of the original envelope and put it in a more Christmas-y one, creating the ultimate Christmas gift.

As for photo books, an improper presentation can easily kill the Christmas spirit, unless the cover is made out of a fine material (think leather, linen or any other fabric). Even though there are a few companies offering gift boxes for extra (like MyPublisher did before the merger with Shutterfly), they are intentionally bland to make the surprise of the beneficiary even bigger. But let’s face it: giving a bland cardboard box on Christmas is dull. Therefore, a good solution is to either order the book as it is or with a gift box, and then wrap it yourself.

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