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How We Review Products and Services

How We Review Products and Services

At Best Reviews, it is our utmost priority to give our readers the most honest, accessible and comprehensive information about the products and services that we review. That is why we only allow our own team to review products and services according to a thorough set of guidelines that are fully independent from any existing business partnerships or compensation that Best Reviews may receive.

Review process

Every product that we review on Best Reviews is first tested by our editorial staff. It is our top priority to give our readers the most comprehensive, unbiased review of all the products we select. That is why we do our own independent testing and fact-checking to bring you first-hand information based on our own experiences and expertise.

In order to test different products and services, we access them in one of two ways. First and foremost, we make use of a company’s free trial and/or money-back guarantee to gain free access to the product and get the same user experience as our readers.

When a free trial or money-back guarantee doesn’t exist – or when these only offer partial access to the product or service being reviewed – we will seek out the company to request a test account. A test account will give our editorial staff full access to experience a product or service just as a paying customer would. These test accounts offer our team temporary access to the product or service and do not result in a final acquisition or offer of the product by the company to Best Reviews.

Being granted access to a test account does not imply an endorsement of the reviewed product by Best Reviews, nor does it necessarily establish a commercial relationship between Best Reviews and the company in question. You can find more information on how we sustain our work here.

Our team of experts

All products and services are reviewed by our editorial staff, who are part of our content team. In addition to reviews, our editorial team is also responsible for creating all content on Best Reviews including guides, comparisons, and blog articles. By creating all these types of content on Best Reviews, our editors become true experts in their niches and are able to tap into research, user reviews, and relevant industry news and trends.

Our content team is independent and not influenced in any way by partnerships that we may have with the companies behind the reviewed products and services. Our experts decide freely on the ratings that they give to each and every solution. While we are always welcome and open to feedback that we might receive from the companies behind the reviewed products and services, it is always up to our editors to consider the relevance of this feedback to our readers. The opinions and experiences of our editors are strictly their own and aren’t subject to the approval or endorsement of the creators of the products or services reviewed.

To ensure our reviews aren’t influenced by any business relationships that may be in place, our editorial and partnership teams operate independently of each other. Through all these measures there is a clear distinction between our editorial process and any partnerships that may exist, guaranteeing that our reviews are unbiased and objective.

User feedback

Last but certainly not least, we always consider user feedback when creating or updating our reviews. While reviewing a product, our writers conduct thorough research which includes, among other factors, analyzing users’ experiences and feedback. This will, in turn, inform our own testing process, ratings and final review of the product.

Additionally, we encourage our own readers to leave their reviews and ratings based on their experience. These comments are carefully moderated by our content team and taken into consideration when editing or updating a review.

How we rank products

In addition to our thorough reviews, we strive to help our audience make the best purchasing decisions by making our information as accessible as possible. That’s why, for each of our categories, we make a selection of the best products to feature in each category’s main page.

This selection always comes, first and foremost, from our expert reviews of these products. To be eligible for our best selection, products or services must receive a minimum overall rating of 3.5/5 stars from our experts. Products and services that meet this eligibility criteria are then thoroughly analyzed by our content team who take into consideration external factors such as industry trends, relevant news, the product’s popularity, and other relevant feedback on the product or company. It’s this comprehensive analysis that allows us to narrow down the best options for our readers.

When a product meets this criteria, Best Reviews may receive a compensation from this company for featuring it in our best selection.

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