Who doesn’t like Halloween? It’s a familiar and fondly loved scene: children and grown-ups alike roaming the streets in costumes trick or treating, the houses adorned with funny or scary decorations, while the front porches are dimly lit by the obligatory jack-o-lanterns. This is something that begs to be recorded for generations to come.
However in the age of the smartphones people often forget about their Halloween photos, which either end up deleted due to low storage space or are uploaded to alternative sources only to be forgotten forever. But Halloween doesn’t deserve such treatment! Thankfully the solution is right in front of you: the internet and those online photo book editors with which you can keep your cherished Halloween memories in a stylish (or even spooky) photo book.
‘Spooky but fun’, essentially the slogan for Halloween, and therefore your photo book, too. This means keeping in mind the different styles that are commonly associated with the holiday, and as a most basic example this means using the color scheme associated with Halloween, such as a shadowy black, glowing orange, sickly green, and so on. Online photo book builders utilize all of these colors as either backgrounds or as an attribute of the cover when choosing a Halloween photo book theme, but they can also be modified to your liking.
There are plenty of embellishments and emojis related to Halloween, too, such as black cats, witches riding broomsticks, jack-o-lanterns, candles, trick or treat bags, ghosts and so much more. Use them as many times as you wish; since Halloween is all about going a bit crazy, why should there be any restrictions to your photo book either? The same principle applies to layouts: arrange the photos to your liking, just be sure not to overcrowd the pages or distort the pictures until they become unrecognizable.
The only thing you shouldn’t use too much is text. A good photo book can convey the message without words, but if you have a funny caption or a short story that completes the picture, do not hesitate to add it.
Regardless of when you first celebrated Halloween and whether you still join in on the fun on October 31, this holiday has inspired generations and will continue making an impression on future Halloween enthusiasts long after we are gone. But one thing is a diamond absolute: people will always take photos of themselves and of others trick or treating on the streets in their costumes or of the obligatory Halloween party in their decorated homes. And since costumes and decorations change every year, the photos taken on this particular day are more than ideal to be organized into a (strictly) chronological order in your would-be photo book.
Just like a Christmas-themed album, it should be a priority to include photos from your family’s past, showing what has changed over the years and what family traditions have remained consistent. The photo book can also focus on one member of the family – children are the best subjects in this regard – but virtually anything goes that relates to Halloween: the dishes you served throughout the years, the movies you watched, how you decorated your home, the costumes worn; the list could go on.
Although Halloween is known for the costumes in which people like to spend the night, there is a new tradition that is getting popular with each passing year: the Halloween photo booth. Let us assure you, however, that this type of photo booth has nothing to do with its street counterpart for taking passport photos. The concept of the Halloween home photo booth is similar to that of embellishments in photo books: to add a funny (or in this case, scary) twist to the photo. The only difference is these ‘embellishments’ are basically props on wooden sticks that have to be held by each person participating in the photo.
However, since these props can be purchased for a few bucks, creating your own photo booth is extremely easy. Try to buy a kit that contains a wide variety of photo booth props, because this is the only way to ensure that every participant of your Halloween party will be inspired to join in on the fun. Tip: name your photo booth Snapchat 1.0 in order to appeal to younger participants and encourage them (or anyone for that matter) to take photos using these props and upload these photos to a mutual photo album.
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