When the phrase “wedding website” or “wedding site builder” is mentioned in a conversation, most people visualize a decorative webpage in the form of a wedding invitation. Very few of them know that such service has long overgrown the task of simply informing people about the big day. These advanced wedding sites hide a complex management tool that helps the engaged couple keep count of their guests and analyze their needs or preferences. The RSVP (derived from the French “Répondez s’il vous plaît”, meaning „Please respond”) is an essential part of any wedding website: it’s a separate page where people can answer or decline your invitation.
In the past, answering RSVPs was a bit of a chore for guests. Society shunned those who missed to reply, while addressing the answer took quite some time. Nowadays the process only takes a few clicks on your computer or smartphone. Wedding site builders are well aware of these trends, thus they include the RSVP within their standard setout of pre-made pages. This allows couples to already have a configured RSVP page that can be edited to match their desires. Such page includes all the events you have, with the ability to customize the answers. The traditional “Yes/No” answers can be personalized and it’s also a possibility to add numbers for specific questions (like how many members your family has). Then the guests can send their reply back in the form of a message. The system then analyzes the answers and shows the results in a chart or diagram.
Wedding website builders are competing with each other to decide who’s got better RSVP features. eWedding notifies users when a guest answers the invitation. Couples receive a text on their phone when an RSVP is sent and thanks to the full-scale mobile support they can check the answer right from their smartphone. Wedding Jojo categorizes the available events, so you can send out separate RSVPs related to the ceremony and the reception, for example. As for Wedding Window, they present the ability to lock guest access to certain events unless they reply positively to the invitation.
All in all, RSVPs are main tie breakers when it comes to choosing your wedding site builder, so make sure to choose one that offers deep management options.
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