A good home is also a smart home. Reinventing your property by adding smart technology not only increases the overall convenience, but also contributes to security. There are countless features to choose from already: remotely lockable door knobs, lights and electronical appliance modules that can be switched on and off using only your smartphone, intelligent thermostats that learn the family’s favorite temperature level, and manages the heat level accordingly. The era of Jetson Family is drawing near, and we are sure you want a piece from it yourself. And if you are thinking “Man, this will cost me a fortune” we assure you: smart technology was never as affordable as it is now.
A common rule of consumerism is that the more popular a product has become, the lower its price will be. More and more manufacturers will use the technology to mass-produce the item, which leads to a more efficient production cycle. The same thing happened with smartphones. Before the big iPhone bang, companies declared touchscreens as a waste of money. But after Apple’s success, the potency of smartphones was realized, and the market was swarmed with affordable touchscreen phones.
All in all, the story shows that when something becomes popular, late adapters are able to get it for less money. And smart technology is going to be the next hit of the century. Why? The example of smartphones wasn’t brought up randomly. Today everyone has at least one, and they use it for everything. And modern home automation was made to be compatible with smartphones. This is the era where every component is ready to jump start smart tech.
A home automated by smart technology is expensive at first, but it brings back the money on the longer run. Take the intelligent thermostat as an example. You can access it from your desktop computer or smartphone, and see its current output. If you find it too low or high, you can set it to an optimal level with a few taps. Even better, the thermostat itself recommends an optimal level, where you gain the desired temperature without wasting energy. Smart lightning bulbs or appliance modules provide the same benefits. The former allows you to control the lamps remotely, while the latter manages the electrical appliance. The related smartphone app displays their status, so you’ll see if they were left switched on when you left the house. Then, a simple swipe, and they are off again. As you can guess, smartly operating your devices prevents needles consumption, and your energy bills won’t cause a heart attack anymore.
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