Trying to find romance on a dating app is like stepping on a mine field, one wrong move and your chances for success blow up. Not literally of course, but don’t forget that being unsuccessful in matchmaking can destroy your self-esteem or cause burnout. Because of the high-stakes nature of online dating, singles welcome any advice from experts or simply anyone who has experience in the field. And who else would be more perfect for this role than celebrities, who face no difficulty in finding a partner thanks to their reputed social status and lavish lifestyle. Whether they manage to keep these relationships going or not is an entirely different question… but nevertheless, here are a few tips on finding love online from famous stars.
“It’s impossible to go in(to a date) without a perception of someone,” said Harry Styles during an interview on Radio 1 Breakfast Show, implying that online daters are bombarded with information even before they say ‘hello’ to each other. Just a brief glance through the profile page is enough to learn of someone’s hobbies, preferences and habits. This might seem like an advantage at first but having a cheat sheet like this removes the pleasure of discovering your partner’s personality for yourself. Not to mention that people can’t help but create a false image in their head of what a person is like based on such information. As the famous singer explains: “It feels weird and wrong.”
Having a conversation on the internet is easier than ever, yet many couples still find it challenging to find common ground and instead just shout at each other about their problems. As Meryl Streep suggests, we need to learn how to discuss the issues and not repress them. “You have to listen to your partner’s problems, suggestions and advice,” she says, “and accept that you’re not always right”. Contrary to this, Gwyneth Paltrow believes that the best way to avoid fighting is to use sex as a distraction. We believe that the 37 years of happy marriage behind Streep is a clear indication that she’s got the right idea here.
When a heartbroken fan asked for Rihanna’s advice on how to get over a failed relationship on Twitter, the famous singer replied with the following: “Just believe that the heartbreak was a gift in itself! Cry if you have to, but it won’t be forever! You will find love again and it will be even more beautiful! In the meantime, enjoy all that YOU are!” The idea of seeing failure as a source of motivation instead of as a badge of shame is truly inspirational. When people date online they often keep more than one bread in the oven but if all these relationships end up badly, then the weight of failure is multiplied ten times, often prompting people to feel depressed and give up trying altogether. Luckily we have Rihanna to lift our spirits!
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