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50+ Best Questions to Ask on a Dating App

50+ Best Questions to Ask on a Dating App

By Mary P.Mary P. Verified by Saskia H.Saskia H. Last updated: February 4, 2025 (0)
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Getting a conversation going on a dating app can be an art form. No one wants to talk about their favorite color and how many siblings they have. But how do you break away from the obvious without sounding like you’re trying too hard?

Without loading on the pressure, that first question can change whether you get a reply or not. Plus, the type of questions you ask can help set the tone for your interactions and lead your conversation in a preferred direction.

50+ Best Questions to Ask on a Dating App

If you’re new to online dating, GoChatty is a great place to start with its easy chat functions and the ability to send different types of messages. Plus, Best Reviews is coming to your rescue with our tips on the best questions to ask on a dating app to help you spark meaningful conversations.

First questions to ask on a dating app

The opening question. A lot rides on it. Some daters give you a foot in the door with interesting info in their bio or profile that you can ask about. But what happens when you match with someone whose profile provides no inspiration?

Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What’s your ideal date?
  • What would be your death row final meal?
  • If you had to be on a game show, which would it be?
  • Which Friends character are you most like?
  • Where did you go for your last holiday?
  • Which is better, the U.S. or UK ‘The Office’?
  • What are your top three desert island discs?
  • Which is the best city?
  • Do you cook? If so, what’s your staple dish to cook for friends?
  • What are your top five favorite films?

Woman using smartphone with hearts

As a first question to ask on a dating app, any of these should get you a reply. However, there’s one other crucial tip: don’t only ask questions you want to answer yourself.

For example, if your match tells you they’re most like Monica on Friends, don’t just fire back with your own answer – delve into why with follow-up questions. Which character traits do they recognize in themselves? This will give you a great insight into what this person thinks of themself and may even provide clues about whether you’ll get along.

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Fun questions to ask on a dating app

The initial stages of dating are supposed to be lighthearted and fun, so it’s important to kick things off with the right tone. No one wants to feel like they’re being interviewed on a dating app. So, it’s time for some fun questions to ask on a dating app:

  • What’s the worst chat-up line you’ve ever heard?
  • What are your biggest icks?
  • If you were a dessert, what would you be and why?
  • What’s the most random fact you know?
  • What’s the worst style choice you made as a teenager?
  • What’s your party trick?
  • What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever tried?
  • Do you think you’ve already had your most embarrassing moment, or is it yet to come?
  • Who’s your weirdest friend? Why?
  • What’s your survival plan for a zombie apocalypse?

Couple flirting in the street

These questions are perfect for getting the chat going and easing any tension. Once you’ve passed that first hurdle, it’ll be time to ask the more important questions that will give you a sense of who they really are.

Flirty questions to ask on a dating app

Navigating the line between friendship and romance isn’t always straightforward. How do you avoid the dreaded friend zone? Well, the key is to throw some flirtation into the mix.

Once you’ve bonded over TV shows, music, jokes, etc., it’s time to indicate whether you’re interested in more than friendship. There are plenty of flirty questions to ask on a dating app that are playful while still being subtle and respectful:

  • What are your love languages?
  • If we were on a date, who would make the first move?
  • Would you prefer a date at the cinema, restaurant, beach, or mini golf?
  • Which is better, the old-fashioned way of people asking each other in person or this?
  • What’s something you’re looking for that isn’t on your profile?
  • Do you think we would start chatting if we had met in a bar or café?
  • Who is better at first dates, me or you?
  • If we went on a first date, would we dress up or go casual?
  • What’s your secret pet hate on a date?
  • What are the three most attractive qualities in a partner?

Dating app on mobile screen

There are ways to be flirtatious without being too over-the-top. People may enjoy sensing you’re romantically interested in them, but this doesn’t open the door for explicit messages or ignoring signals if they’re not reciprocating your feelings. Be clever, cheeky, and charming – sometimes less is more when flirting on dating apps.

Questions to ask a guy on a dating app

Do you want to ask something less generic that will attract a guy’s attention? Some questions to ask a guy on a dating app include:

  • What are your views on modern dating?
  • What’s your dream job?
  • What do you think about splitting the bill on a first date?
  • Have you ticked off anything on your bucket list yet?
  • If you could have a superpower for a day, what would it be?
  • What is the most important thing to do in the morning?
  • Bungee jumping or Skydiving?
  • What were you like as a teenager?
  • Do you have an internal monologue, or do you think without words?
  • Have you ever traveled or lived in another country?

Man smiling while using his phone

Some questions may give insight into the guy’s views on important topics. Without being too obvious, some touch on gender roles, ambitions, and modern society. The answers can be pretty revealing and help you understand if you share common ground regarding significant issues.

Questions to ask a girl on a dating app

In the same way, there are many questions to ask a girl on a dating app that can give you clues about her personality while demonstrating your genuine interest:

  • What makes a ‘good’ compliment? What’s the most memorable one you’ve received?
  • What’s one thing that people don’t expect about you?
  • Do you have a favorite quote or mantra you live by or try to?
  • Do you follow any sports?
  • What assumptions do people make about you?
  • What’s your biggest red flag?
  • What are your favorite three things about your personality?
  • What do you do to relax?
  • What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?
  • Have you ever made an excuse and left mid-date?

Woman using phone with dating app

Of course, there’s an overlap between the questions for guys and girls. Either way, it’s always best to ask questions to which you genuinely want to know the answer, as your conversation will flow naturally, and your connection more likely be real.

The key to starting conversations on dating apps

Those first interactions with someone on a dating app are incredibly fragile – say the wrong thing, and just like that, you could be unmatched. But don’t worry, with our many conversation openers, you can’t go wrong.

It’s also a good idea to opt for a dating app that gives you a helping hand with chatting to your matches, like GoChatty. It provides conversation starters and tools for finding shared interests. There’s simply no need to ever fall back on ‘hey, how are you’ again.

With this platform and such a variety of questions to ask on dating apps, you’ve got all the tools at your disposal to kickstart engaging conversations with your matches.

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