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Online Accounting Software FAQ

Online Accounting Software FAQ

By Zoltán G. Zoltán G. Verified by Sander D. Sander D.Last updated: January 7, 2025 (0)
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Getting to know new software, for instance an online accounting solution, is never easy. But do not worry, because we are here to help you by answering a series of questions that might concern you. We’ll give full insight on the background of online accounting solutions, and go over everything that may come across as puzzling to you at first sight. How do you setup accounting software, which features do they include, what are the costs that come with them – we’ve answered just about all of the questions that may come to mind when looking into online accounting software. By reading these questions and our answers you will have no more doubts about online accounting solutions and will realize that having these virtual assistants is the best thing that could happen to your business.


What is online accounting software?
Why should I use online accounting software?
Do I need to install software to do my accounting online?
Can I access my accountings using a mobile device?
How much of a tech wizard do you need to be to handle the software?
Do I need to be an accountant, bookkeeper to use the software?
Can I use the accounting software in collaboration with my bookkeeper?
Can I give access to other people than my accountant/bookkeeper to use my account?
Will the online accounting company assist me with my books?
Will online accounting software take away my hate feelings towards bookkeeping?
Are these online accounting solutions for U.S. businesses only?

How much time does it take to get the online accounting set up?
Do I need to do the same thing in the mobile app?
Can I move my QuickBooks bookkeeping to the online accounting software?
Can I transfer my books from another software into online accounting software?


Is online accounting software safe and secure?
What if the online accounting company's servers go down, will I lose my data?
And what about those pesky hackers and thieves?
Can I export my data to back it up or share it with my accountant?


What are the main features of an online accounting solution?
What if certain functionalities are missing from the accounting software?
Does accounting software help me with taxes as well?
Can I manage my payroll using the software?


Why should I pay for online accounting software when there are free solutions?
How much does an online accounting solution cost?
If there are more pricing plans, which one should I choose?
Do I get everything for my subscription or do I have to purchase certain services for an additional fee?
Are there discounts for the software?
Can I try out software for free?
I am subscribed to an online accounting solution, but I changed my mind. Can I get my money back?

Customer support

Do I get customer support?
What kind of support do I get?
Is the support 24/7?
What if the company is located outside the U.S.? Do I get support anyway?

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