Z-Wave is among the most popular smart control technologies currently leading the industry. If you’ve got any home automation device installed in your home, chances are high that it’s compatible with Z-Wave. The company prides itself on its rich assortment of items, counting more than 2,100 certified products from 600 companies. Those who wish to ‘smarten up’ their home should start with a Z-Wave smart hub that acts as the central base, then integrate specified accessories of your choice into the system, such as smart lighting, water control, home security and so on. And best of all, once connected, every individual smart device is controlled through the same interface.
Home security and home automation are two halves of the same coin. Both of them are based on the same technology: there is a central hub which ties together all the different peripherals, allowing homeowners to conveniently manage them. But without the proper integration, you would need one base station for your alarms and one for the home automation electronics.
When a home security company advertises ‘Z-Wave integration’, it is highlighting that their central unit is capable of handling a selected range of Z-Wave products alongside their sensors and detectors. This is an extremely useful function, enabling the option to use your smartphone as a remote controller. Just a few taps on your screen and the security system is armed; touch a button and your smart lock opens the front door; and you don’t need to leave your car in order to close the garage door anymore. But the list of attractive features doesn’t end here: your base hub sends notifications each time the motion sensors pick up something and you can access the live video stream of your surveillance system.
We highly recommend subscribing to a home security service that features Z-Wave integration. Even if you ignore all these handy benefits at the moment and choose to go only with the alarms, later down the line you might change your mind and it’ll be handy to have this function already waiting for you.
Having smart lights set up in your home might not seem like an extremely beneficial addition, but it’s smart functions are surprisingly multi-faceted. On one hand, you’ll have better control over your electricity consumption, but on the other hand, lighting can be scheduled remotely, even from your workplace. This creates a diversion, fooling burglars on the lookout by giving the impression that the building is still occupied. The category includes several home automation solutions, such as light bulbs, smart switches and appliance controls. Smart light bulbs come in many shapes and forms; some of them are able to switch between different colors, while others house a hidden motion detector or start to flash red when an alarm is triggered. Appliance controls or smart switches extend your reach to other electronics in your home. They are often compatible with Alexa, as well; therefore you can take away your phone and govern the surroundings via voice commands.
People often overlook the benefits of installing smart water controls in their house, not realizing the role it plays in avoiding horrendous property damages and high water bills. Just take a look at the popular combo of a water sensor and a Z-Wave certified water valve by Dome. Let’s assume a water leak happens because of extreme cold while you are away skiing. The water sensor reports the situation in an early stage because as little as 0.5 ounces of water is enough to trigger it. You’ll receive the notification message on your smartphone, and while still at the ski resort just issue a command to the smart valve to shut off the water, saving yourself from an expensive flooding. As a side note, the valve control can be installed in a DIY manner, therefore you don’t need to call a handyman to install it.
Smart thermostats are one of the most popular home automation devices. They are easy to set up, and the feature list is quite impressive. Nest thermostats are now compatible with Amazon’s voice control assistant; all you need to do is say the desired temperature and Alexa sets it. But even without voice commands smart thermostats are capable of learning the family’s favored settings and program themselves accordingly. Since they connect seamlessly to your Wi-Fi, smartphone control is no problem. During a hot summer, just set the device from your phone before leaving your workplace and the thermostat will wait your arrival with a cool atmosphere.
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