Pandora is one of the most popular streaming services in the U.S. and has been a pioneer of the industry since its creation in 2000 due to its unique music recommendation engine and its vast library of millions of songs. Nowadays the service has plenty of competition but still manages to compete with giant corporations with its 66 million monthly users. However, unlike its rivals, Pandora no longer has a worldwide reach, so existing users venturing outside of the U.S. or users from other countries will be unable to access their favorite songs and podcasts. One solution to this problem is to use a VPN service to bypass Pandora’s geographical restrictions so you can listen to whatever you want, wherever you want.
In 2017, Pandora closed down its services in Australia and New Zealand, making the streaming service exclusive to the U.S.; this was chiefly due to copyright laws on its songs that have restricted the service’s reach since it was originally available worldwide. This means that existing users outside of the U.S. or Americans outside of their country will now find they’re no longer able to access Pandora from abroad and will instead see a message telling them that Pandora is working on bringing its service there. But don’t count on this happening anytime soon. Instead, it’s better to be proactive as there are various ways around these roadblocks, one, in particular, being the use of a VPN service to make Pandora think you’re still in the United States.
Fortunately, unblocking Pandora is not like opening Pandora’s box and using a VPN to access the service no matter where you are in the world is surprisingly easy. VPN services are able to change your IP address to trick Pandora’s geoblocking into thinking you’re based in the U.S. when in fact you could be relaxing on an exotic beach thousands of miles away. This will work regardless of whether you’re using your web browser or streaming Pandora’s radio stations on your Android, iOS device, or Xbox One.
Once your VPN service is set up, you’ll simply be able to choose which country you want to connect to (obviously, in this case, it would be the U.S.), and Pandora should work with no problems. The majority of VPN services now have some user-friendly apps for smartphones and tablets, so it doesn’t matter what device you want to listen to Pandora on – you’ll still be covered.
Some companies actively try to block VPN traffic from their services, so we recommend choosing one of the more reputable providers that is committed to getting past these barricades and giving its customers the best possible experience. Although companies sometimes target VPNs, that doesn’t mean that you’re personally at risk when using one – on the contrary, you’re safer than ever with most VPN services that now use military-grade encryption to keep users safe at all times.
Luckily, there are plenty of VPN services that can help you stream Pandora worldwide. We picked out three of the very best from the VPN world for you to choose from that are perfect for using with Pandora.
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