There are some concerns on our part about the lengths the Indonesian government goes in order to regulate online content. Therefore, we would like to advise you on three VPN services that fit the agenda of a freer internet. First up, if you are interested in P2P, take a look at BolehVPN. Almost all of the company’s servers support P2P and file sharing, and you can even subscribe to have them do SeedBox hosting and video game hosting for you. BolehVPN’s OS clients rely on the open source OpenVPN system, which is a little harder to set up, but nothing difficult.
Secondly, we would like to suggest ibVPN. This company has a huge variety of packages for you to choose from. Next to the regular VPN ones, you can also invest in the company’s own SmartDNS proxy, called ibDNS. If you are interested in unblocking and bypassing restricted content in Indonesia, we recommend this service. Furthermore, if you seek a better protected environment for your company, ibVPN can also assist you with plans specialized just for you. Lastly, for more general purposes, take a look at IPVanish. This company excels in all areas of service, which is great, considering that Indonesian internet users make connections from a variety of devices. IPVanish is supportive in this matter as well, with a vast range of routers on the table regarding device support. The company also favors SSL cryptography, and has a kill switch preinstalled in every application or client software of theirs.
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