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Best Smart DNS for Spotify

Best Smart DNS for Spotify

By Daniel C. Daniel C. Verified by Sander D. Sander D.Last updated: January 11, 2025 (0)
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Spotify is a popular music streaming service, especially among western cultures (or those affiliated economically). The rest of the world though, including entire continents, are either not welcome, or certain countries are reluctant to agree with Spotify. Even Canada only opened its online borders to the streaming service in 2014. There have also been complaints about speed issues concerning Spotify. Regardless of where these can be traced back to, we offer the easiest way out: bypassing restrictions completely. Smart DNS services are the ideal tools to achieve this, while VPN services are a good fit for it, too.

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Spotify blocked?

Spotify does not have too good of an availability worldwide. The American continent generally allows it, except Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana. Asia is almost completely excluded, save Turkey, Malaysia and the Philippines, along with Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Australia and New Zealand welcome the company’s stay, while Africa has no Spotify-friendly countries. Europe also has limited availability, with Russia, Belarus, Romania, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia all being non-participants.

Spotify has gained popularity in recent years and has made its way into the lives of the youth, and their everyday lives. Therefore, some places that serve Wi-Fi publicly block the company’s app and/or website. Schools, workplaces, offices and even some internet cafés can potentially restrict Spotify, as the service consumes more bandwidth than other online activities. In our opinion, the most significant reason for blocks is a financial one, and perhaps the fact that the company has been criticized for not rewarding artists properly. Famous musicians have even resigned from the site as a result.

Unblock Spotify

So why is a smart DNS great for unblocking Spotify? The reason is simple: it grants access in a way that does not slow your internet down: via the temporary changing of your DNS address. The exact details to this are more or less the same from company to company, but most of the time, you have to set things up manually. This does not take more than a couple of minutes and you should experience no problems at all. Smart DNS services are known to be stable and to run without disruptions.

To put this into context, another type of product – VPN – is also capable of getting you to Spotify. This alternative is a two-sided axe, though. On the one side, you have better protection in the form of encryptions, but on the flip side connection speeds are generally slower as a result. A quick internet (or at least retaining your regular speed) is necessary for music streaming, and therefore we consider smart DNS to be better for this purpose.

In general, we do not recommend using smart DNS though from countries that actively monitor online activity. Cuba, China, North Korea, Pakistan and similarly restrictive states are a tough gamble.

Smart DNS services for Spotify

Lastly, we are going to recommend three smart DNS companies that are adept at getting Spotify into your ears. First up, we are highlighting Blockless. This is a rare company in the sense that you do not need manual setup to bypass restrictions. If own any type of browser, or access the internet via Windows or Mac, a built-in client and separate client software await you, respectively. You are also protected from malware and virus attacks with the help of the company’s free addition to every smart DNS account: Smart Guard.


Then, there is SmartyDNS. This is one of the most cost-efficient companies in the smart DNS business today. And, if you seek some additional security, you can also check out the newly started VPN service of the company – it is just as good as its counterpart. The biggest advantage of SmartyDNS though is an element of choice: Next to a two-week free trial, you also have another month of refund time after every purchase you make!


Our last advise goes out towards the company Smart DNS Proxy. They are also unique, but from another perspective: you have three types of products to choose from. The first two are of course the smart DNS and the VPN. The third though is a hybrid of this pair, aptly named Smart VPN. It grants access to all sites that the smart DNS does, while also encrypting the network. Fancy a tryout? A 14-day free trial is yours after a quick registration.

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