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Best Practices for Cleaning MacBooks

Best Practices for Cleaning MacBooks

By Zoltán G.Zoltán G. — Verified by Sander D.Sander D. — Last updated: January 9, 2025 — (0)
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There is no denying the importance of cleaning macOS from junk and other unnecessary elements. However, not even the best Mac optimizers can prevent your MacBook from suffering degrading performance if your device is not kept physically clean. This is why it is also essential to pay attention to your MacBook’s cleanliness, whether that is the device exterior or the parts that serve as the Mac’s ‘organs’.

Although there are plenty of things to keep in mind regarding the do’s and don’ts of Mac cleaning and keeping your MacBook in a fine, dust-free condition, you will definitely feel more comfortable knowing you are doing your best to prevent your MacBook from drowning in an ocean of dirt. And remember that there are plenty of quality cleaning products with which you can easily make your MacBook reborn.

Best way to clean a MacBook

Keeping your MacBook clean basically requires the same methods as if you were cleaning a PC. However (and this is an emphasized however), you have to take extra care, since Apple products use a number of different materials, many of which are valuable and can be damaged easily. This is why Apple suggests users never use abrasive cloths or towels, aerosol sprays, solvents, and other harsh chemicals when cleaning your MacBook. In that regard, don’t even think about spraying agents directly onto the device, since Macs don’t tolerate moisture.

With that said, time to get cleaning! Regardless of the product you should use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth to clean the turned-off computer and a similar cloth to deal with the dirty screen and touchpad. However, in the case of the screen and touchpad, it is okay to use some clean water applied to the cloth – just make sure no moisture gets into any openings.

Tools for external MacBook cleaning

As for hard to reach areas, like the keyboard’s keys or machine’s ports, it is best to use compressed air slowly blown into said parts. Using cotton swabs for the same purpose is also a good idea, but in that case it is highly recommended to use a fan brush as well, because it removes any leftover fibers from the swabs. And last but not least, there are plenty of LCD wipes and microfiber cloths with which the last remnants of grime (and cleaning agents) can be safely removed from the MacBook’s surface.

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