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VPN4ALL vs HideMyAss Comparison

VPN4ALL vs HideMyAss Comparison

By Daniel C. Daniel C. Verified by Sander D. Sander D.Last updated: November 29, 2024 (0)
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When it comes to VPNs, several popular VPN service providers come to mind. However, thanks to the sheer number of service providers and the features that each offer, it is quite an onerous task to select one among them. Here, we provide more information about two VPNs in particular: VPN4ALL and HideMyAss. While VPN4ALL strives to make the whole process of setting up and using a virtual private network easy, HideMyAss boasts of over 340+ VPN servers, spread across 53 countries. This is quite valuable for some users, who need to set up a global virtual private network.

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VPN4ALL vs HideMyAss


Both service providers offer a host of choices. HideMyAss comes with the largest number of network addresses, and has several servers in the US, UK and other prominent countries. VPN4ALL boasts of servers that are located in over 80 different locations across the globe, which makes the service quite versatile.

VPN4ALL offers features such as one-click server IP switching, fixed IP, easy-to-use software and other benefits. They claim their privacy policies are quite bulletproof, and designed to protect your privacy and anonymity online. All the internet traffic is safely encrypted before leaving, with the help of military-grade encryption algorithms. Tunneling is used to great advantage, ensuring that your data is never subjected to snooping and monitoring by other entities. VPN4ALL prides itself for being compatible across various platforms, such as Windows, Linux as well as Mac OSX.

HideMyAss supports a host of VPN protocols, such as PPTP, OpenVPN, L2TP and so on. This allows the user to choose the protocol that best suits his/her needs. More often than not, OpenVPN is recommended for its speed and security. HideMyAss works great on Linux, Windows and Mac.


Since recent times, HideMyAss offers up to 43% off on its pro plans. They even offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, in case you end up feeling unsatisfied with the services they offer.

VPN4ALL starts out with a $14.33 monthly plan, paid in a quarterly fashion. They offer billing cycles of 1 month to 1 year, and the rates get better with the increasing size of the duration.

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