Craigslist is a San Francisco-based advertisement website that serves as a platform for many who seek jobs, housing, selling or buying a belonging or any type of service, and more. With the rise of the internet, Craigslist also gained a wider attendance and today the site is available in English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch and Spanish. Since you could advertise just about anything on the site, there are some restrictions present on Craigslist today. Due to this and the fact that you cannot access the site form anywhere on the globe we are going to present a solution: VPN services. By letting your connection flow through a secure server to browse the web through the IP address of that server, you are able to bypass blocks imposed on Craigslist by your school’s network, your employer, ISP or anyone else.
Craigslist is available across 70 countries. The problem with the website apart from this is that it does not encourage proxy and VPN usage. For this reason and misbehaviors (rest assured that a VPN is completely legal), the most common method from Craigslist is issuing IP bans. For example some customers of the VPN company Private Internet Access reported on this problem. The usual solution is to simply change to another region that has roughly the same access.
By “roughly the same” we mean that the location you reside in might have specific filters and restrictions added to the site, limiting the appearance of certain types of content, but not all of it. Therefore, our suggestion is to use a VPN service to connect to a server in another state in the U.S., or to countries that have the most free internet like Iceland or Switzerland.
VPN companies though are still the most reliable and effective way for you to access a restriction-free internet. This is due to two main properties of a VPN service: the access itself and the protection applied to it. The former is done with the help of IP addresses a given company supplies to you, along with client software to do the hard work. Usually there is one IP reserved for lesser visited countries, while the USA, the UK or Germany get more support. Protecting a VPN connection comes in the form of encryptions. We recommend using OpenVPN or L2TP type security, and to stay away from PPTP – it has been cracked before and is therefore unsafe. Craigslist has applications for Android, iOS and Windows Phone that you can fully unblock using VPN services’ mobile apps, too.
On a final note, we would like to encourage you to visit a VPN site or two and sign up for a free trial to get a taste of full access to Craigslist in today’s age of growing restrictions. Check out ExpressVPN if you seek speed and if you want to connect to a lot of different countries. VyprVPN is recommended if your aim is safety, while a good overall mix should be provided by IPVanish.
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