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Speedify Reviews

Speedify Reviews

By Leo S.Leo S. Verified by Sander D.Sander D. Last updated: January 30, 2025User reviews (2)
Customer Service
  • Unlimited time free account
  • Failover protection
  • Packet loss prevention
  • Good encryption without speed sacrifice
  • P2P Speed Servers
  • Limited customer support options
Table of contents

Speedify is a clever service that lets you combine all of your internet connections for maximum speed. Compatible with PCs and Mac and particularly suitable for mobile users, Speedify gives you faster and more reliable internet connections by making use of a vast range of Speed Servers spread worldwide, bonding your different connections into a strong and powerful one, without the chance of getting suddenly disconnected. The service makes use of an appealing interface across its desktop clients and native apps, offering you a smooth and seamless experience. Furthermore, as the company advertises, Speedify is a new kind of VPN service making use of a rarely seen encryption type and other top notch security settings that promise not to compromise any speed. Speedify allows you a free account for an unlimited time without any shortage of features or server access, though with monthly usage limits. However, when opting for the full service it’s possible to benefit from a discount of more than 75% on an annual subscription.

Free account with 2GB data usage with Speedify
Speed up your internet thanks to Speedify's free account. Use it for unlimited time and access all Speed Servers with a 2GB monthly data limit.
Use Speedify for Free


CountriesUS, UK CA, AU, DE, FR, NL
# serversn/a
# IPsn/a
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To get your grip on a faster and more reliable internet connection, you’ll need to download the app either for your computer or mobile device. By default you’ll be given the free account with the option to upgrade to any of the paid subscriptions within the app’s menu. All you need to choose is the priority of your connections and whether you wish to apply any encryption to them. You’ll be choosing between AlwaysSecondaryBackup or Never with all of them providing you a short explanation of what each one is best used for and allowing to set up daily and monthly data limits, useful for being precautious with cellular data plans. This can be altered in the settings at any time.

Better quality connections

One of the best features is the automatic failover protection, which basically works as a service interruption preventer, seamlessly moving your traffic to the next working connection if any of the others fail. This obviously only works when using Speedify to bundle at least two connections: Wi-Fi as primary and cellular as secondary, for example. If the Wi-Fi connection drops, instead of completely being disconnected from the internet, there is only a brief interruption in speed while the VPN detects that the Wi-Fi connection is gone and switches the traffic to the cellular connection. This not only ensures that all downloads are granted at the highest speeds, even when applying encryption to the network, but that users are constantly protected, too, even if the connection drops.

There’s also a tool called Redundant Mode. This could almost be described as a ‘brute force’ method to ensure packet delivery but the truth is that it can be an alternative for activities more sensitive to latency, such as live streaming, online gaming, stock trading and more. While on Redundant Mode, Speedify sends all the data packets over every internet connection at the same time. Whichever packet gets through first is the one to be delivered, which will grant improved latency and a more stable and reliable internet access.

In this regard, it is also important to mention that Speedify uses packet loss and error correction functionalities, too. In the settings of the client, users can choose between TCP or UDP communication protocols which – alongside the encryption that can also be applied to the connections – will have a different impact on packet delivery. When packets get lost, everything becomes slower until the network successfully delivers them again, but with this feature Speedify fixes the issue by instantly detecting the packet loss and resending it.

The trick here is that all this happens before the actual protocol realizes that loss, so there’s no time for a speed break. This works best when bonding multiple connections, because the lost packets can be easily routed through other connection, but it also works when using a single one.

A new kind of VPN

Speedify is also designed to be a complete VPN solution with the unique ability to bond Wi-Fi, Ethernet, 3G, 4G and other types of connection into a single and more powerful one, without easing on speed or security. Speedify marks the difference by not using the AES cipher like conventional VPNs do, but “the revolutionary ChaCha encryption cipher” instead. On top of that, it adds the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), or TLS over UDP in other words, to prevent packet loss. These standards allow Speedify to deliver faster connections than other VPNs, even applying its own encryption standards.

Server Network

One of the main aspects where battles can be won or lost for VPNs is the quality of the server network. Speedify uses its so-called Speed Servers located in over 31 countries spread out across the entire world map. In the settings, it’s possible to turn on the automatic connection option that will connect to the server that is geographically closest to your physical location, a factor that has a big impact on overall speed. It is also possible to make Speedify turn itself on the moment your computer is turned on, which, depending on the server chosen, your physical distance to it and your own ISP’s provided speed increases your speed up to 100Mbps.

Speedify country list

Bittorrent with Speedify

Furthermore, Speedify also tries to appeal to torrenting fans offering a dedicated P2P Speed Server, located in Amsterdam, the only Speed Server location that supports torrenting granting the best speeds for heavy downloads. This ability to pick servers around the world is vital for them as it is more than advised to virtually change your location to avoid legal issues. Depending on the country you can get fines and even jail sentences for such practice.

OS, device support

Platform support
Web app
Mobile optimized
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Speedify offers its services for all major operating systems for computers and mobile. In fact, the user interface is similar on both mobile devices and desktop apps, eliminating the impact of a new app when using it across multiple devices. If you’re on a computer, Speedify runs on Windows 7, 8 and 10 and on Mac OS X 10.8 and newer versions. On mobile you’ll need to have at least iOS 9 and Android 4.4 (Kit-Kat). The software is also able to run on Windows Server 2008 R2 or above. In addition, note that you can use it on five devices at a time with a single account.

We’ve tested the computer client as well as the mobile app and we confirm that installation and usage is one of the simplest we’ve seen with close to no technical knowledge required at all.


To use Speedify you’ll need to create an account, which by default gives you the free plan. Unlike the usual VPN services, this company doesn’t apply any time restrictions to your free account and all plans give access to the full service itself, meaning that no update is necessary to enjoy more server locations or specific high-standard features. What free users are limited by though is the monthly data usage as the free plan provides them with just 1GB of data, which resets every month.

Speedify pricing

Then there are the paid subscription plans, billed monthly or annually depending on the subscription type. Unlimited Monthly costs you $8.99 per month, whereas the Unlimited Yearly plan comes down to just $4.17 per month, or $49.99 paid upfront for a year which represents a 75% discount compared to $199.95 as it was before. It’s safe to go with the discounted Unlimited Yearly plan if you’re not fully sure about the service yet, as there’s a 30-day money back guarantee in place. Payment methods include credit cards and PayPal.

Customer support
Live chat
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Customer service

The best way to get in touch with customer support is to use the default contact online form the team presents you on the website itself. Speedify is present on most social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube. The company is actively sharing insights and updates regarding Speedify, and on Twitter they even reach out to internet users suffering an issue that Speedify could solve for them. There is no 24/7 live chat or support over the phone; email is the only way you can contact the staff.

Speedify website

But truth is you probably won’t need to get in touch since the FAQ page covers pretty much every doubt you may end up with. There are some explanatory videos as well as detailed explanations of every feature that Speedify holds, besides a blog where you can find the latest news and help.

Bottom line

Speedify is a breath of fresh air to slow and bumpy internet connections and to the VPN world too. A traditional VPN will only use one internet connection at a time, being limited to the speed of that connection and relying on kill switches to lessen sudden connection drops. Despite always depending on external factors such as the speed of your Wi-Fi and cellular internet connections, with Speedify you’ll notice at least a slight increase of your internet’s speed indeed. The packet loss, failover protection and modern encryption cypher make this one of the best and most intelligent services for speed improvement purposes without sacrificing any privacy, not to mention that your VPN protection will be always on, even when a connection drops. The chance of using a P2P Speed Server is also good news, especially for torrenting fans. No fingers can be pointed at the simple client and apps that are easy to install and use, with similar interfaces between computer and mobile devices.


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User reviews

    internet speed become slower when use this, and suddenly i can't download speedify software from official website, wtf is this
    Matt Perkins
    Since this review was made,  Speedify has added on by default encryption and a redundant mode to both their desktop and mobile apps. As such I believe a new review is called for. I'm not sure what logs they keep but if it gets a 4 star review without those features it should get at least a 4.5 with them.  I also havent had any issues with customer service, they seemed pretty quick to answer any questions I've had. And believe me if I have a problem with any software or app I instantly message the developer over it. I'm not paying money for a product that doesn't work as it should. I believe Speedify deserves a 4.5 star rating but not a 5 because it still doesn't offer an option to run even when in sleep mode. Desktop it might not matter much but it can matter greatly on an iPhone.
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