It’s of utmost importance to us that our readers know they can trust Best Reviews and our content. We value the trust that our visitors have in our expertise and recommendations and wish to honor the confidence our users place in our content by offering transparency on our review process and how we are being compensated for our work.
Testing each of the products and services, gathering additional information, and acquiring the knowledge and experience needed to provide the best possible content and advice is a continuous and resource-demanding process. Aside from reviewing specific products and services, our editors also dedicate a lot of time writing various articles, guides, and other content. The editorial team behind Best Reviews also counts on other team members who contribute to the operations required to maintain Best Reviews.
We believe the information we provide readers through our reviews, guides, and other content should continue to be easily available free of charge. However, our thorough reviews and content creation require time and expertise from our editorial team. That’s why we sometimes choose to partner with a company, so we may receive financial compensation from them to help us sustain our work.
When you purchase a product, sign up for a service, or take another action through Best Reviews we may receive some form of compensation from a partner company. Such compensation may be a financial payment such as a commission, complimentary services or products, or another form of benefit. These compensations may come from users clicking a link in our content or calling a phone number to provide their information, make a purchase, or take another action. Certain placements and the way products and services appear listed may be impacted by the compensation given. These types of compensation are what enable us to continue to maintain our website and create new content without having to charge our readers.
However, we don’t always receive compensation. Our editorial team chooses which products and services to review based on their expertise, regardless of whether our partnership team has reached out to the companies behind those solutions. We may also include links to a company’s website within our reviews without receiving any compensation for it. Best Reviews also aims to support the open source community by reviewing their products without any compensation.
Our goal is to guide you to the best possible solution that fits your needs, and we don’t let the lack of compensation for any recommendation get in the way. However, it should always be understood that there is a possibility that a material relationship may exist between Best Reviews and the owners of the product or service. For more information on this type of compensation, please visit the FTC’s Endorsement Guide.
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