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How to Start an Online Business With Zero Investment of Your Money

How to Start an Online Business With Zero Investment of Your Money

By Zoltán G. Zoltán G. Verified by Adam B. Adam B.Last updated: July 26, 2024 (0)
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Many people dream about starting an online store and selling awesome products, something to set them free from the burden of the routine and to allow them to really focus on what they enjoy doing. But then they wake up the next day and do just the same as before, the doubt of success holding back any enthusiasm. This is particularly the case if the money needed for such a business is missing. Are you one of these people? Don’t worry, we have good news: it is possible to start an online store with zero investment of your own money.

Ecommerce business

There are just a few things to keep in mind when starting an online business:

  • Have a clear idea of what you are going to sell.
  • Effectively use presale strategies.
  • Create a free website and start giving away free content targeted at the audience.

The idea

A good foundation for a future-proof business that can turn any would-be entrepreneur into a success is coming up with a solution to a problem. It might be a fix to some parking issue or something that helps people find the best posture while working; the idea itself isn’t important. What matters is having a clear idea of the solution and the problem that it solves. Once you have that, you’re on the right path towards launching the business. It is wise to have a prototype of the product and test it yourself to see if it really does solve the problem.

Alternatively, if you want to get into product sales, then dropshipping is always a good option for beginners. This is because it doesn’t require inventory, just good communication between you, the supplier, and your customers.

Ecommerce business platforms

The importance of presales

At this point your key strategy comes into play: presales. To get the attention of the targeted audience and test the market, present them with the idea you’re presenting and motivate them to buy even before you start creating the proposed product. Think about the possibilities of communication open to you, taking into account the platforms where it is possible to promote the idea and the prototype so global shoppers can preorder it. This way you’ll minimize the financial risk by generating demand for it. Give your customers the option to pay in advance and they’ll see no better opportunity than to have buy a solution to that problem.

Create a free website

Most could-be entrepreneurs fail by wasting their energy searching Alibaba or similar markets and trying to figure out which products buyers want. That’s a total waste of time, because the best solution is your own creative mind. Once you have the prototype, bridge the communication between yourself and your customers by creating a free website. It is possible to use WordPress or even MailChimp’s free landing page creator. By keeping the operating costs of your online store low, the risk is reduced – especially if you have the option to cancel your online store subscription at any time.

Ecommerce business creating website

With this available, customers will have somewhere that they can visit to get more information on your product or solution before you’re ready to start selling. On top of that, some ecommerce platforms allow users to spend as long as they want creating their store without having to pay a dime, while others even provide a limited-time trial. Making use of these options will help you get the store up and running without any cost to yourself, and help you to build up the hype for when you’re finally ready to start accepting payments – and officially make that dream of being a business owner come true.

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