There’s no question that technology has impacted all aspects of our lives, including education. With webinar software, teachers, professors, tutors, coaches, and entrepreneurs can create online courses anyone with internet access can join. While webinar platforms can be used for many purposes, they provide the necessary tools to mimic the synergy found in classrooms around the world. It’s possible to distribute handouts, share PowerPoint presentations, and even understand students’ doubts through the Q&A or poll functions. Furthermore, it’s effortless to schedule and prepare recurring sessions throughout a course.
For teachers who have only ever lectured in person, it may seem that online classrooms could never be as good as physical ones. However, that’s far from the truth: when used correctly, webinar software can offer the same degree of interaction found in a classroom, and then some.
There are many subjects in which inviting experts to share their experience is valuable. For example, students learning about entrepreneurship will be highly motivated to attend a class where a real entrepreneur shares their experiences when starting their own first company. However, timetabling these kinds of sessions can be challenging due to guests’ busy schedules. Webinar software makes this process easier since the guest can join the lecture without leaving their office, taking less time away from their busy lives.
Physical classrooms bring the disadvantage of a fixed location. Students probably won’t drive hundreds of kilometers to attend a class or a workshop. Consequently, most people offering such services from a physical location will be restricting their source of possible students to a certain radius. Since webinars are run over the internet, teachers can engage with students from all over the world.
There are many features that can be taken advantage of to improve overall course success. For example, if a professor records classes and shares them with their students, attendees can be more focused on understanding and actively participating instead of taking notes.
When looking for a webinar software provider, there are various features to consider. Right off the bat, webinar rooms should always offer the same interaction as a classroom. Still, there are some other tools to take advantage of that end up improving the overall learning and lecturing experience.
There’s a reason people attend classes instead of learning by reading books: interaction. It’s proven that students learn better when they take an active part in the class instead of passively listening to it. Consequently, using a webinar software platform that provides ways to interact with students is vital. Teachers should therefore look for webinar platforms that offer features that enable student interaction, such as Q&As, polls, and live chat.
It’s common practice to share learning materials before or after a class. Teachers operating in a traditional classroom do this by handing out documents while in class, or by sharing their PowerPoint presentations through email or an online platform. Some webinar software providers make this process more straightforward. Online instructors can share handouts while in session, as well as record and share the full session afterward.
The option to charge attendees for the class is an essential feature for anyone not affiliated with an organization. This tool enables lecturers to receive payments from students without the need to use another platform.
It’s a bit daunting to create an online course from scratch. However, there’s nothing to fear: webinar software provides all the necessary tools to lead engaging classes.
Probably the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about an interactive class is a classroom full of raised hands. In an online class, using polls to ask questions, saving a few minutes for Q&As, or encouraging students to speak with each other through the live chat are just some of the few ways to make students part of the class and increase their engagement.
In universities, it’s common to ask for feedback at the end of the semester. With webinars, teachers can create an easily completed form at the end of each session to understand where they need to improve. Showing you care and want to deliver lectures in the best way possible will motivate your students and make them more engaged.
Everyone is on social media, so why not take advantage of that to increase student interactivity? Start discussions within the topics being learned or share a video with the highlights from the last class so students can share and comment with each other.
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