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Best VPNs for Vuze

Best VPNs for Vuze

By Daniel C.Daniel C. Verified by Sander D.Sander D. Last updated: January 30, 2025 (0)
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Vuze is Java-based torrenting client and organization. Operating since 2003, they are well into the deep-water territory of the business, achieving success. However, similarly to the rest of the file sharing scene today, there is a slower response to the increasing amount of restrictions observable in most countries today. Furthermore, a lot of file sharing solution – including Vuze – have also tightened on their terms of use, mostly due to outside pressures and the abuse of their services. Consequently, there is a need for a safer P2P environment. VPNs are proving to be the optimal solution to do away with the restrictions torrenting struggles with today, while providing an extra security net for peer-to-peer fans. Companies that offer such services excel in two major areas of internet access that barely any other type of company provides: encrypting data traffic and unblocking restricted online content.

Vuze logo

How to use a VPN with Vuze

It is worth noting that there are three versions of Vuze available. Two of them are free of charge; the Leap software offers the least of the three, while the actual client named Vuze is filled with loads of utilities. So much so that mentioning all of them is well beyond the scope of this article. The paid package comes with some additional support for DVD burning, and minor tweaks. We conducted our examinations of the second software in the list: Vuze.

There are some security options here that are rarely seen in other torrenting software. UDP support or HTTPS connections with SSL are quite rare and good news. However, as with all torrenting clients, they do not provide encryption and unblocking. Encryption is very useful for hiding your online identity. For example, if you reside in a country that does not support or even bans P2P activity, then you are always at risk of getting caught. VPN services not only encrypt your data and thus hide your from the eyes of outsiders, but they also allow you to mimic a country’s IP address – or rather, connect to a server that has the IP address of a certain location.

This allows you to access that particular country’s internet, “unblocking” any information that is restricted in yours. This is quite beneficial from the viewpoint of file sharing and torrenting, as if your place of residence does not support such P2P activities, you can utilize a VPN to connect to somewhere else where it is favored. Some torrent friendly countries are Switzerland, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands and Spain.

Staying safe and anonymous

While the utility side of Vuze is vast – you even have free malware protection – you might run into some difficulties if you intend to use the client’s proxy. This is because SOCKS is the most prominent example of this, while HTTP, HTTPS (with SSL) and UDP are available for certain uses only. This means that there is a need to fill out some security holes. Thus, in our recommendation section below, you will find not only VPN services that are just generally good when used in unison with torrenting software, but also complement them by providing features such as smart DNS proxy or even unique solutions. If you live in a country that does not favor file sharing that in our opinion the usage of VPN services are highly recommended; if for nothing else than for the purpose of staying out of trouble.

Free VPNs for Vuze

Overall, Vuze is great software. It is one of the best today, but just as most of the other torrent clients it doesn’t fulfill today’s privacy and security needs. Despite some more rare security solutions, these are a product of the networking options that Vuze offers and are not outright intended to defend your connection. Therefore, we would now like to recommend three VPN services that work together the best with Vuze.

First, we would like to advise you to look at VyprVPN. This company favors P2P in a multitude of ways. First, they have their own smart DNS proxy solution, VyprDNS. Also, if you invest into one of their packages, you will automatically get an NAT firewall, providing you with additional protection next to the free anti-malware software of Vuze. And, similarly to Vuze, VyprVPN supports most of the available devices today, making your viewing, playing or listening to your downloaded content similarly safe.

Secondly, we would like to highlight BolehVPN. This provider – next to a regular VPN package – is highly specialized for P2P and file sharing. A testament to this is that there is an additional security solution offered by the company with your purchase. The xCloak protocol scrambles the already secure OpenVPN packets of data, making it harder for outsiders to identify if it is even a VPN that they encountered. Port forwarding is also employed, a very useful proxy-oriented solution.

BolehVPN logo

And lastly, why not read a bit about a true top service, HideMyAss? This company offers access to over 180 different countries via a VPN, providing ample amount of opportunities for you to find the best file sharing environment. We recommend utilizing the great speeds, high security and stellar utility to make the best out of your torrenting adventures. Use all of this next to a software like Vuze’s and you are guaranteed a safe session of down and uploading.

My VPN testimonial: HideMyAss

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