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Best Smart DNS for Vevo

Best Smart DNS for Vevo

By Daniel C.Daniel C. Verified by Sander D.Sander D. Last updated: July 23, 2024 (0)
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Vevo is a New York-based company, founded in 2009. Mainly dealing in the music industry, the organization is known for hosting music videos. Some (here unnamed) acts are popular enough to get views up in the hundred millions; Vevo is a coveted streaming service that operates exclusively online. However, their presence is not global. Vevo can only be found in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. This means that by default, anyone else who does not reside in these regions cannot gain access to the Vevo site in full detail, or not at all. This is true for all devices that the service is available on: you can get software or applications for Android, iOS and even Windows 10, 8, the Windows Phone, Fire OS, Apple TV, Google TV, Boxee, Roku, Xbox 360 and PS3-4. This article is about presenting a solution: smart DNS proxy servers. Companies that distribute such products specialize in providing quick access to online content you desire.

Watching Vevo outside the US

The workings of a smart DNS connection are very simple. Regardless of the device you use, your only job is to modify the DNS address of it. The address (or addresses) that you change to are always supplied by the company of your choice. Alternatively, you can try Virtual Private Networks (VPN) as another solution. While it is safer – smart DNS has no innate protection built into it – the source of this safety is encrypting your data traffic. Any encryption slows down your connections, but smart DNS is a different matter. These services specialize in granting quick access, and thus the quickness of your internet will be completely unaffected by any sort of slowing effect. It is true though that smart DNS is less safe as a result. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or anyone conducting surveillance can potentially detect what you are up to on the internet. Still, it is worth it in our eyes: you do not have to wait hours for a video content to load in. Vevo is a free website, so you can enjoy its contents right away once you gained access to it.

Recommended smart DNS services

In light of the above, we would now like to advise you on taking a closer look at three smart DNS companies that are suitable for work with Vevo. First, there is Unlocator. The main advantage of this company is that they claim you can use their services with “an unlimited number of devices”. This mostly refers to routers, as setting them up is almost always done similarly, and thus you can potentially use Unlocator with all recent (we recommend 5 years back maximum) models.

Secondly, we suggest SimpleTelly. This company has a very generous 14-day free trial and channel selection mostly focused on countries like the USA or the UK. With discounts going up to 38%, SimpleTelly surely deserves some inspection.

Lastly, we put Unblock Us in the limelight. The organization not only runs a smart DNS program, but you can also subscribe to the smart VPN product of theirs. While the former is average (which is still good), the latter is about providing additional security for your smart DNS connection, available on Windows, Mac OS X, Android and iOS. The smart DNS side of offers have much more extended device support, though.

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