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Best VPNs for Small Businesses

Best VPNs for Small Businesses

By Leo S. Leo S. Verified by Adam B. Adam B.Last updated: February 13, 2025 (0)
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VPNs are one of the best tools to have installed on computers and mobile devices, since they ensure that no restraints will harm our internet experience at any time. And if, on the one hand, they’re great for personal use to circumvent geographically locked content and stay anonymous to ISPs, on the other hand they’re also a must have for business users, too, regardless of the size of the company.

In fact, nowadays VPNs can easily be configured for both personal and business purposes, with numerous benefits for either party: cheaper VoIP calls, an overall increase in privacy, protection against unreliable Wi-Fi connections, malware, and much more. And given the incentives that many companies offer to businesses – often with special subscriptions and significant discounts – VPNs start to become a sure investment that every team with multiple users should consider.

Top VPNs for small businesses


Editor's rating:
  • Intuitive and aesthetically attractive apps
  • Good amount of security features
  • Browser extensions
  • Attractive pricing
  • Responsive customer service
  • Inconsistent performance
Starting price: $3.29/mo


Editor's rating:
  • Intuitive multiplatform apps
  • Double VPN and P2P support
  • Plenty of security features
  • Large VPN network with consistent speeds
  • Trustworthy no-log policy
  • Limited VPN protocols options
Starting price: $3.99/mo Visit NordVPN


Editor's rating:
  • Business solutions
  • VyprDNS & VyprVPN Cloud
  • Fast speed
  • VyprDNS
  • Chameleon protocol
  • No refunds
  • Few servers in Africa
Starting price: $3/mo Visit VyprVPN

Why use a VPN for business?

View blocked content

Accessing geographically blocked content is one of the main reasons that so many people subscribe to VPN services these days. Certain countries are restrictive about the access they allow, these are the kinds of countries usually denying access to the same targets – Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp and many others – but often there are many other sites (such as global news) that are inaccessible, too.

As such it is the likes of traveling professionals, for instance, that are largely affected by this, since they may end up in a country that is imposing such blocks. If they don’t happen to have a VPN then chances are that they will be unable to access their website to publish their work, nor will they be able to access any social media or VoIP apps to explain the situation.

Along with protecting their connection at airports, hotels and other public spaces, this is an important reason why every travelling professional needs a VPN.

Cheaper Skype, VoIP calls

Pretty much all VoIP services are used for business purposes and perhaps the most famous of them all is Skype, allowing anyone to easily make a quick phone call to colleagues or organize pseudo face-to-face meetings via free video calls.

However, sometimes it is required to contact foreign local numbers, and with that there will most likely be associated costs, which can become quite expensive over time. VPNs help in this regard, too, by changing the virtual location to the same as the country you’re hoping to call. This will fool the app, making it believe both connecting accounts are in the same country, and will therefore charge at a cheaper rate.

Secure public Wi-Fi access

VPNs not only allow users to remain hidden and anonymous from ISPs, but they provide a whole other significant benefit when using public Wi-Fi. Because these networks are public connections, many wrongdoers can use them to gain access to everything that others using the same network are doing.

For instance, when traveling it is likely that you’ll connect to several different public hotspots, but without a VPN your online activity can be easily traced by everyone connected to that same hotspot.

Using a VPN on a public Wi-Fi network

Extra care is therefore needed when using your email, managing bank accounts or performing other online work-related tasks, something that VPNs can help with autonomously. All VPN connections are routed through encrypted tunnels, meaning that no one can see the information as it is exchanged across the network.

Malware and tracking prevention

Cookies are delicious, unless we’re talking about the ones used by websites to track users’ movements. These are the worst, most infuriating pieces of coding to come from the internet, whose purpose are simply to deliver targeted ads.

We all know this happens, but they are especially annoying when we need to focus on work, and doing so is especially hard with a popup ad flashing away to get your attention. Once again, VPNs will help with this since many of them already include automatic ad blockers and other methods of erasing our previous online steps, therefore stopping us from being tracked for whatever reason.

This is more important than it might first seem, since many of those ads also carry malware that can infect our computer with serious issues, while some even use Skype or other programs to spread them.

Data and privacy protection

Having proper data and privacy protection is vital when doing business online, and VPNs are the best tools to ensure this. As mentioned, they feature military grade encryptions and use specially designed protocols to keep sensitive information accessible only to you and your co-workers. And because users are always anonymous when using this sort of secure connection, they can avoid specific laws for specific states or countries that might affect their privacy or personal data.

Local search results

For many professionals it is better to attune their search engine to provide results more suited to a different location, such as how doing research for some work about a foreign country can be made easier if the search engine believes the browser is located from that country.

While Google allows you to filter search results down to those of just a specific country, it still applies a number of other parameters when rendering the highly personalized search results. Some important factors in play here are your IP location, earlier search behavior and history and the Google Account you’re logged into. Clearing your browser’s cache and history and logging out from your Google location is helping you overcome some of these, but you’ll need some help to change your IP’s location.

An American journalist covering a story about some event in Romania, for instance, would most likely have some trouble searching for specific details of such an event when searching through Google using an American IP. However, with a VPN they could easily switch to a new virtual location to access the eastern European country and find much more relevant information from the localized version of Google for Romania. The same applies to many other businesses, since virtually switching locations is the best way of ensuring accurate results about a country’s services or culture.

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