The Best Reviews team tests all products first-hand and relies on first-hand research. We've been reviewing products and services since 2012 and only publish human-created content. is a long-standing champion in forming online relationships, emphasizing the importance of personal effort over reliance on scientific methods and focusing on helping you find, and get to know, singles in your local area. Over its long history, was rejuvenated more than once, but they always kept their vigor and professionalism. takes a more honest and direct approach to meeting people as well as giving its users the opportunity to find companions locally who are in the same boat as them. They have a well-packed service complete with full smartphone support and innovative matchmaking functions. Besides offering free accounts and paid subscriptions that grant you access to the complete site, you have the possibility to enjoy extra exposure and freedom by purchasing perks and profile boosts.
Anyone of any age, nationality or gender can sign up for a free account with There are no requirements or limits, and its members seem to vary in age, making it a welcoming community for those who are worried they might feel out of place when dating online. Just look at the success stories page to get an idea of how the users on the site vary when it comes to age. promises an easy 30-second signup, but this is a slight exaggeration, since answering all presented questions takes a few minutes. You can still achieve the half-minute limit by skipping every step beside the photo upload, but bear in mind that you need to complete the profile section anyway to attract dates. Alternatively, your Facebook account can be linked to site, but this is quite a risky move, and we don’t recommend sacrificing your personal data for cheap convenience. Beyond the obvious details you provide during such registrations – personal interests, preferences, location, age etc. – you get an early glimpse at the quiz section of through some questions. These creative little tidbits are more like funny little extras about yourself, which help you bond with your dates. They include such memorable ones as “Sometimes while texting someone, I stare at the phone smiling like an idiot.” or “I still believe that I haven’t received my letter from Hogwarts only because it was lost.” What would bridge the distance between two strangers if not a common interest in Hogwarts scholarship?
The above mentioned quiz database is astonishingly huge, and it serves other purposes than entertaining self-reflection. The system offers the chance to answer them during other activities, and after doing so you may immediately receive a recommendation of a person who gave the same reply. You also see the number of matching answers when visiting someone’s profile. Or you can go straight quiz-zerking with the Q-Match function where you are paired up with singles based on your answers. But is in no shortage of awesome matchmaking features. You have the standard option to browse through a list defined by search parameters (distance, appearance, activity), or just watch the popular results. Users can prioritize themselves to rank on top of said list with a catchy message and a shopping cart of bonuses, sold for real money.
And let’s not forget about Wingman Barney! Your personal friend and loyal supporter, this feature contacts your date-to-be, and shares some details about you. And the person must give a direct reply, so you’ll know whether or not your charm has worked. Thanks, Wingman Barney!
In the online dating world, setting sight on an attractive single is just the beginning, as you need to woo him/her over to chalk in a success. Communication channels are vital parts of these services, and offers competent solutions in this field. Free members can favorite others and send an unlimited amount of winks (the dating site equivalent of a Facebook poke), while premium members can send emails or start live chatting with each other. Although putting the ability of sending messages behind a paywall is common practice in the industry, stripping free users from the ability to even read their inbox is quite infuriating, as the service dangles potential matches in front of their eyes. Your only option is to find a person who invested in the “Communicate for Free” boost, as they can be contacted by anyone, regardless their status. has been famous for their devotion to smartphones for a long time already, and they continuously keep refining their application. They present solid browser support for smaller screens, but it shades in possibilities compared to the mobile apps. You can get’s apps for Android and iPhone, but these are the only two operating systems that are supported. The apps do a great job porting the web-based dating service to touch-based devices. The navigation is simpler, and the menu layout is more compact. Their already strong focus on profile pictures is further increased, as this is the most influential thing when noticing a potential date. With a few taps you can bring down the whole profile, as every feature you know from the web is present here as well.
At first glance, seems to be upfront about their offer: you can register for free, and use your account to browse the profile gallery freely. You even get a sample of some of the extra features with a free plan. For example, Wingman Barney is occasionally at your service, and free membership singles are able to communicate with some users under certain conditions. But the truth is that not only takes away all meaningful messaging options, but even interferes with your profile browsing, as you are unable to view full-size pictures of your match. Naturally, all these obstacles are cleared from the path of premium members.
Subscriptions start from one month, charging you $29.99 per month. The 3-month plan is the middle ground, as your commitment is longer, while the price is reduced, costing you $25.99 each month. The semi-annual plan has the lowest fee, as you only need to pay $19.99 for a month. But the paying content doesn’t stop at the subscription, as members can purchase temporary boosts (or perks) that give them an edge over others. You can gain a highlighted status, appear at the top of search lists, or allow free members to get in touch with you.
The customer service of can be easily reached via chat, an option offered right on the main page. In case you face a problem that demands further explanation, the staff eagerly awaits your in-site email message. In some cases – like purchasing a perk or subscribing – the helpdesk provides a phone number to make sure you are well-informed. Of course, personal contact isn’t the only way for troubleshooting. Those who feel confident enough to solve the problem on their own will find proper guidance in the FAQ section, which is a bit forking, but you can sort out the right topic by keyword searches. The company operates several social media pages where they post online dating related stuff, while their YouTube channel hosts their very own reality show.
We are more than surprised by the amount of innovation brings to the dating scene. Without a doubt, they are among the very best online dating sites currently operating. The website has a dynamic and streamlined design, and visiting the profiles of hundreds of singles feels like an adventure rather than a chore. The service is tightly packed with awesome features, like the genuinely funny and creative quiz questions or the Wingman Barney contact option. The full-scale smartphone support is also worth mentioning, as you can easily take your date hunting activity with you. The only criticism we can come up with is the unforgiving pricing strategy, which heavily tamps you to upgrade your account, because you feel powerless and restricted otherwise. Still, the top notch service of is definitely worth your money, even if you need to reach deep into your pocket.
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