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CleanMyMac X Offers

CleanMyMac X Offers

By Zoltán G.Zoltán G. Verified by Sander D.Sander D. Last updated: July 30, 2024
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CleanMyMac X
Editor's rating:
Starting price: $39.95/yr

Mac optimization is a very competitive market, so you will often see companies enticing new users with coupons and discounts. CleanMyMac X is no exception. In addition to regularly posting limited-time discounts on its website, MacPaw also offers a 40% discount to anyone switching to CleanMyMac X from a competitor. The company cares about its existing customers too. If you have been using an older version of CleanMyMac, upgrading to the latest product will unlock a 50% discount. You can also get a 30% discount if you’re from an educational institution or if you purchased any other MacPaw product.

40% Discount on CleanMyMac X
CleanMyMac X logo
Switch your current Mac optimizer or antivirus for CleanMyMac X, and the company will offer you a tasty 40% discount.
Save 40% on CleanMyMac X
50% Off CleanMyMac X Upgrade
If you're using a previous version of CleanMyMac, you can save 50% on the most recent version – meaning it'll only cost you $19.98 for the first year.
Upgrade Your CleanMyMac X
30% Educational Discount on CleanMyMac X
Purchase CleanMyMac X as a student or a teacher, and MacPaw will provide you with the unlimited version of the software for just $27.97 per year, saving 30% on the original purchase price.
Enjoy CleanMyMac X With 30% Off
30% Loyalty Discount on MacPaw's CleanMyMac X
Show that you have already purchased a product from MacPaw – such as Gemini or CleanMyPC – and the company will reward your loyalty by offering a 30% discount on CleanMyMac X.
Get MacPaw's 30% Loyalty Discount
Free Mac Optimizer With CleanMyMac X
Get CleanMyMac X from MacPaw's website and clean up to 500MB of junk data from your computer while enjoying all the features of the software without major limitations.
Download CleanMyMac X
30-Day Risk-Free Trial of CleanMyMac X
Purchase the unlimited version of CleanMyMac X directly from the provider and enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee on your program, entitling you to a full refund if you are unsatisfied with the results.
Try CleanMyMac X Unlimited

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